Written by Steve Gregory:
It had been two years since we ministered with our mission partners in Kenya. This past year presented unexpected challenges. Last year as we prepared to travel to unreached areas of Kenya once again with the gospel, we were halted. Travel restrictions made it impossible to traverse the countries needed to reach our destination. We placed our plans on hold waiting for the Lord to show us the way. Questions remained as we started to prepare for our mission project. After much discussion and prayer, we felt the Lord giving us the go ahead.

(Photo by John JJ Hinrichs)
Once our flight plans were determined an issue arose it seemed daily. Dates were adjusted to accommodate the flights; flights were adjusted to accommodate the airlines ever changing schedules. The evil one was seeking to halt our plans.
The state department advised us to not go, it was too dangerous. Kenya was shut down and travel prohibited. We were told we would not be able to travel outside Nairobi. The CDC told us to not go because it was unsafe and could present a health risk. Other authorities told us not to go, the work can wait until it was safer. Well-meaning family and friends questioned our abilities to rationally think through our plans. But God had given us a peace and a resolve to proceed.

(Photo by Jon Fletcher)
There were obstacles and roadblocks as we traveled but we finally reached Nairobi. Our host and fellow minister, Linus, had acquired permission for unlimited travel and we were on our way to the Tharaka area. God anointed our brother in a special way. He is one of God's miracle agents.
Because of the need to be tested for COVID prior to our departure, our time in the field was shortened. We went to four different locations along the equator near the Somali boarder. Upon hearing the stories from the Bible and the good news of Jesus Christ we were able to plant four new churches. 295 professed Christ as savior with 56 being baptized. In one location we had the opportunity to share the Lord's Supper with some of the new believers. The LORD blessed our commitment and work to bring more into the Kingdom. With a humbling experience!

As I pondered the events of this project the Lord brought to mind some passed events accompanied by a truth. We heard a lady that was dying and after talking with her she professed her faith in Christ and proclaimed she was now prepared to die. Returning the following year, we learned that she had indeed passed away. In another location, a lady that made her profession of faith in Christ the previous year had a seizure, fell into the river, and drowned.

(Photo by Jon Fletcher)
Had it not been for the Lord leading us to them, our sharing the gospel with them, their eternities would have been vastly different. What if we had listened to the authorities, the experts, the well-wishers wanting the best for us? How many will not be there when we return but have passed on? How many others are there, celebrating in heaven with Jesus since we were there? How many would be saying why did you wait so long!
Therefore, we go.
But Peter and John answered them, "Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, you must judge, for we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard."
-Acts 4:19-20