Best Gift Ever!
It happened just over six years ago. Our team was 19 hours out into the bush of the Democratic Republic of Congo. We were there to share the Gospel, provide leadership training, and conduct a medical clinic for an orphanage (children’s rescue home) and surrounding villages.
Early one morning, I was walking over to the thatched-roof church when I met two children digging in the dirt. I noticed a couple of large crickets in a yellow cup sitting next to their feet as they continued to dig for more...

Reaching the Pygmies
Abraham Mudidi is our national partner in Kinshasa, the capital city of the Democratic Republic of Congo. He and his wife, Maria, both have ministries that help the most vulnerable people living in difficult areas of the city, as well as hard to reach rural areas. Abraham has visited Lutumbre, the land of the Pygmies. It is a 12-hour trip in a motorized canoe on the Congo River, which is given to unexpected violent storms.
The indigenous Pygmy people are extremely poor and marginalized. Committed and brave missionaries have been persistent in efforts to share with them the love of Christ. Now, 24 church leaders are ready to receive training for pastoral oversight of these new believers.
GM365 supports in multiple ways such courageous and devoted missionaries. Our donors have helped make a difference in the lives of many by helping our partners reach people for Christ in dynamic and powerful ways. Thank you for working together with us to make a lasting impact around the world!