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You can help make a difference in the lives of many by helping our partners reach people for Christ in dynamic and powerful ways. There are numerous ways you can support this mission, from donating your time and skills to providing financial resources or lifting our partners up in prayer. Let's work together to make a lasting impact around the world.


Strengthen us through

intercessory prayer

Commit to praying regularly for Global Missions 365. Once you've prayed, don't by shy! Tell us at church, send us an email, or leave a comment on social media. We know God will use you to encourage us, at just the right time.


Fuel us with

financial funding

Consider your tax-deductible gift to help others who are in need. Your gift will truly count in the lives of many as we work together to share Christ to the ends of the earth.


Join us on the
mission field

Come and participate in all that God is accomplishing through our organization by joining a mission team. Contact us to learn more about how you can get plugged into our existing network of partners. Locally or globally, there's a place for anyone who is willing and able to serve in this rewarding way.


Hebrews 12:1 says we are “surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses” referring to those who lived by faith in Christ, left a legacy and are now in heaven. They are witnesses to the love, hope, and salvation of Jesus Christ. They are witnesses to our commitment to bring the hope of Christ to all people. We are not alone; they know, and they are cheering us on.

As you hear these words, which Saint are you thinking about? Who in heaven would want you to partner with God to bring the Hope of Jesus to the Lost today? A relative? A friend? A person who influenced your walk with Jesus? Whose testimony will you honor through your Cloud of Witnesses giving?

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